Churchill Archive for Schools - Themes_Key questions_Korean War reveal

The Sources

Source no Document reference Date Caption
1  CHUR 5/39B/275-302 (images 18-23) November 1950 Speech notes by Winston Churchill, for a speech in the House of Commons
2  CHUR 2/113A-B (images 177 and 178) March 1951 Letter to Winston Churchill from US Congressman Frank Boykin
3 CHUR 5/41A-C (images 652 and 653) May 1951 Part of a speech by Winston Churchill, Conservative Party leader
4  CHUR 5/41A-C (images 652 and 653) October 1951 Writ issued by Winston Churchill against the Daily Mirror
5 CHUR 5/48A-B (images 8, 9 and 10) July 1952 Part of Winston Churchill’s speech in the House of Commons
6  CHUR 3/79 (image 280) February 1953 Letter to Winston Churchill from a peace campaign organisation

 Investigation page

 Background information

 Teacher’s notes