Churchill Archive for Schools - Themes_Key questions_Indian independen

The Sources

Source no Document reference Date Caption
1  CHAR 2/180A/75-76 (images 1 and 2) February 1931 Letter to Winston Churchill from Waris Ameer Ali
2  CHAR 9/98 (images 61–66) March 1931 Extracts from a published speech by Winston Churchill entitled ‘Our Duty in India’
3  CHAR 2/194/21, 22 and 23 October 1933 Letter, cartoon and mock heraldic description from N V L Rybot to Winston Churchill
4  CHAR 9/114 (images 52-54) January 1935 Article in the BBC magazine The Listener (February 1935) entitled ‘The Great Betrayal’ repeating the text of a radio broadcast by Winston Churchill
5  CHAR 7/17A-B (image 229) August 1935 Letter to Winston Churchill from Captain A G J Gould
6  CHAR 20/23/107 (images 1 and 2) December 1941 Extracts from a letter to Winston Churchill from Clement Attlee on recent debates in the House of Commons
7  CHUR 2/43A-B (images 152–154) March 1947 Letter to Sir John Anderson MP from Mr Clifton H Stephenson
8  CHUR 2/43A-B (images 250 and 251) July 1947 Copy of a letter to Clement Attlee from Winston Churchill
9  CHUR 2/43A-B (images 284 and 285) July 1947 Letter to Winston Churchill from Clement Attlee

 Investigation page

 Background information

 Teacher’s notes