Churchill Archive for Schools - Themes_Key questions_Dunkirk evacuatio

The Sources

Source no Document reference Date Caption
1  CHAR 20/27/76-78 20 Dec 1940 A letter from Anthony Eden, Secretary of State for War, to Winston Churchill
2  CHAR 20/27/82-84 1 Jan 1941 An extract from a letter from David Margesson, Secretary of State for War, to John Masefield, Poet Laureate
3  CHAR 20/14, images 10 and 11 5 June 1940 A telegram from Winston Churchill to the Prime Minister of Canada
4 CHAR 23/2/images 83-90 31 May 1940 Extracts from the records of the Supreme War Council meeting. Among those present were British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and the French Prime Minister Paul Reynaud
5 CHUR 4/151/images 3-4, 7, 10, 12, 13 Jan 1947 – Oct 1948 Extracts from a draft of Chapter 5 of Churchill’s history, The Second World War, Volume 2: Their Finest Hour

 Investigation page

 Background information

 Teacher’s notes